Family Golf Evening

13th August 2018

The picturesque Clandon Golf Club played host to the annual Family Golf Competition, with ten pairs of boys and dads taking part.

It was a fiercely contested tournament which went right to the wire. The Fews and the Walshes tied for first place after nine holes of greensomes golf, scoring an impressive +7. The Walshes were awarded the trophy, which was donated by undefeated champion Mr Marshall, after a countback.

That was not the only award of the afternoon as Mr Lodge won the nearest to the pin competition, having hit a wonderful six iron to within a couple of feet of the hole. Mr Walsh secured a second victory by winning the longest drive competition, awarded for his breath-taking 300 yard drive down the middle of the fairway.

Open Day

Friday 4 October

9 am – 12 pm

Book your place here