It”s a Day of Polar Opposites in Year 5

13th August 2018

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Year 5 ended the week in ice-cold fashion as they took part in a polar-themed afternoon.

Using polar animals for inspiration, the children were tasked with creating ‘blubber gloves’, using lard and sandwich bags, to keep themselves warm. When they were ready, they had to plunge their glove-covered hands into ice water, soon discovering how effective their gloves were.

After they had warmed up again, the children investigated glaciers and how they have changed over time, using a carefully measured mixture of cornflour and water. They used their new found knowledge to plan an expedition to the polar regions and careful consideration was given to what they would pack, learnt from their earlier tasks.

The afternoon was rounded off by the children designing an expedition logo, giving their ‘trip’ a true identity.

Open Day

Friday 4 October

9 am – 12 pm

Book your place here