Year 3 Take Part in The Big Draw

13th August 2018

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Year 3 showed off their artistic talents as they took part in The Big Draw, a drawing campaign inspired by the Victorian poet John Ruskin and the world’s largest drawing festival.

Ruskin was a pioneer in his field and believed that art was key to a person’s understanding and knowledge. The Big Draw, which is part of the Campaign for Drawing, was set up in 2000 by a small charity called Guild of St George. It has taken place every year since and is now a hugely popular international event, held in over 20 countries worldwide. Drawing workshops are hosted by a range of different venues, including galleries, museums, schools and community centres. The Big Draw’s message could not be simpler – just pick up a pencil and start drawing!

Open Day

Friday 4 October

9 am – 12 pm

Book your place here