Young Shakespeare Set for Publication

13th August 2018

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In Upper School, Alexandre has received a tremendous accolade as his poem was chosen by the Young Writers’ Association for publication in their book entitled Treasured Verses – A Collection of Poetry.

Alexandre’s inspiration for his masterpiece was a recent Year 7 trip to Ypres, where the children visited the sombre memorials and graveyards of the World War 1 heroes who fought in Flanders and his recent studies in English.

The poem will be published in February next year and before then, will be read out at the first Danes Hill Poetry Recital. This is a tremendous achievement by Alexandre and he deserves a huge amount of praise.

I’m cold and hungry in my trench
My friend Joe’s body has a stinking stench
Joe’s met his maker and I’m next.
Bullets and blood everywhere; I’m not even vexed.

On the front line trying to survive.
I know I won’t be the last one to get out alive,
Out of nowhere I hear a booming bang,
From No Man’s Land a body sprang.

I firmly grab my gas mask a second before my fate,
Thinking of my first pint back home with my mate.
Hissing gas as green as Ireland’s grass,
I see the light before I pass. 

Open Day

Friday 4 October

9 am – 12 pm

Book your place here