Danes Hill Falls Silent

13th August 2018

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The children at Danes Hill School, united in silence on Friday 11 November to remember the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in conflict.

Prior to the moment of remembrance, the children placed their hand made poppies on the Headmaster’s lawn and they glistened beautifully in the sunshine.

The youngsters in Reception and Year 1 congregated in the Bevendean playground and formed a ‘human poppy’ to mark their respects. The Headmistress, Mrs Ruth Samson, spoke to the children to explain the significance of the event before they all fell silent for one minute.

Meanwhile, at the Main School, children gathered for a special assembly in the Ark held by Mr William Bryant. The assembly was complemented by the reading of poems which had been written by the children themselves. The service was a fitting tribute and was brought to a poignant end as Mr Roy Falshaw completed ‘the last post’ before everyone fell silent.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them

Reception Experience Day

Saturday 9 November 2024

 10am – 12 pm

Book your experience